Welcome to Bornholm, Bright Green Island


We the people of Bornholm want to be a sustainable, climate-friendly island community by 2035. We believe that a sustainable future for our island requires us to use and protect our common resources wisely and sustainably. 

We call this approach Bright Green Island.

In order for our island to have a future for both residents and guests, it is important to find a sustainable and durable way to be an island community – a way that embraces Bornholmers, businesses, infrastructure and our many visitors.

And we are already well on our way.

The strategy

In 2008, the Regional Municipality of Bornholm decided that in 2025, we must be a 100% sustainable and CO2-neutral society, in which we only use sustainable and renewable energy.

Smart, green energy

Today, all the energy we produce on the island is fossil-free and harvested through wind, sun and biomass. The island's utility company, Bornholm's Energy and Utilities, can currently produce about 60 % of the islands energy needs. The rest is purchased from Sweden and sent to us via an underwater cable just south of Sweden. It is our ambition to increase production of fossil-free energy here on Bornholm to cover our consumption.

Bornholm's Energy and Utilities is also deeply vested into research on how to best use green energy, so that periods of peak energy consumption can be supplied by fossil-free power. We call the project EcoGrid 2.0 which includes 1,000 households participating in experiments that provide valuable information to researchers and the energy sector. The Technical University of Denmark (DTU) is one of the main partners in EcoGrid 2.0. We also share our knowledge with partners and guests from around the world when they visit us on Bornholm.

Sustainable production and consumption

Bright Green Island is also about what we consume and how we produce. Local companies are setting focus on their production and operational practices to see how they can implement more sustainability. 

For example: energy renovation of buildings, development of new and more sustainable production methods, and the development of resource-utilizing solutions such as the reuse or recycling of waste from one production process for use in another. 

Another key ingredient is awareness of how important it is to eat locally grown and produced foods. We have many renowned high quality foodproducts on the island: Bornholms Mosteri (juice and food from fruit pulp,) Hallegård butcher and Lehnsgaard rapsolie (produces rapeseed oils) are just a few of many examples of sustainable Bornholm food producing companies.

Local Eco-kitchens

Added to this is a significant prioritization of including organic, locally grown ingredients on the food trays in schools, care centers and governmental kitchens.

Last year (2016,) the Regional Municipality of Bornholm achieved its declared goal of 60% organic food in the municipalities' kitchens. The next goal is to have 40% locally produced food on the same plates in 2020.

Localised potential

Bright Green Island is also about how we wisely utilize our local potential. It is about opening up for the respectful use of our beautiful and unique nature in the form of outdoor activites and the optimal conditions for an active life and active vacation - well spieces with gastronimical experiences with local and organic ingredients. 

The opportunity to stay and eat sustainably, when visting Bornholm, can be found under one roof at Hotel GSH (Green Solution House). Here, the renovation of the old Hotel Ryttergården is a good example of sustainable hotel operations.

 8 Bornholmer Goals

​we are jointly working to achieve eight Bornholm goals:

1. Business 
To make sustainability a good business 

2. Fact-based sustainability 
To document and keep track of our green transition

3. Carbon neutrality 
To be a model, climate-friendly community at all times
2025: 100% CO2 neutral energy production 
2032: All waste on Bornholm treated as resources
2035: 0-emission society

4. Mobility 
To make all land-based transportation green

5. Housing 
To make sustainable housing part of our cultural identity

6. Food products 
To be a pioneer within sustainable Danish food products

7. Nature
To make the protection of our natural resources vital to everyone’s bottom line

8. Inclusion
To ensure that everyone on Bornholm is part of Bright Green Island
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 Results through 10 years

· 100% of electricity produced on Bornholm comes from wind,  solar or biomasse

· We produce 74% of our consumption needs, the rest is imported  via submarine cable to Sweden

· 100% of the heat productions comes from renewables and mostly local resources

· 32% of all waste goes into heat production. Only 7% end as landfill waste. The rest is 

· Local food industry and the municipality formed a common strategy for a greener future in foodproduction 

· EcoGrid 2.0 international  research and development project through 10 years

· Various other projects within waste, building, businesses and more

· Bornholm as a fullscale society, approx 1% of DK pop. Therefor ideal as a Test-island.